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Automated License Plate Reader

Safety & Security
Identifiable Image
Long Beach Police Department
Picture of Automated License Plate Reader being deployed

Automated License Plate Readers (ALPR) scan license plates on passing vehicles. Long Beach Police Department analyzes these images to enable the rapid identification of vehicles for official law enforcement purposes. Out of state and federal agencies will not have direct access to the Department’s ALPR data. Requests from out of state or federal agencies for ALPR data must be reviewed and approved by the Special Investigations Division Commander to ensure it is not being used for immigration enforcement. The Department shall conduct ALPR system reviews quarterly and on request to supervisory personnel at the LBPD.

How does this technology make you feel?
Question 1 / 6
Long Beach Police Department

Who is accountable for this technology?

Safety & Security

What is the purpose of this technology?

Identifiable Image

What type of technology is this?

Pixel-based Image

What type of data is being collected?

Encrypted at Rest

How will this data be processed?

Available to the accountable organization

Who can access this data?

Stored on 3rd Party Cloud

How is this data stored?