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Moovit App

Personal Device
Long Beach Transit
Picture of Moovit App being deployed

Long Beach Transit operates nearly 40 bus routes in Los Angeles County, encompassing about 1,900 stops. Long Beach Transit bus routes cover an area from the North (Westwood, La) with a stop at UCLA Gateway Plaza to the South (Seal Beach) with a stop at Electric & Main NW. The most western stop is Kinross N (Westwood, La) and the most eastern stop is Bloomfield & Lemming SW (Lakewood). Long Beach Transit line schedules (timetables, itineraries, service hours), and departure and arrival times to stations are updated in the Moovit app in real time.

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Question 1 / 6
Long Beach Transit

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What is the purpose of this technology?

Personal Device

What type of technology is this?


What type of data is being collected?

Available for resale

Who can access this data?

Stored on 3rd Party Cloud

How is this data stored?