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Footfall Counter

Picture of Footfall Counter being deployed

CITYDATA's CITYPARKS software system uses a Big data + Ai privacy-compliant methodology to quantify people’s footfall counts, density heat maps, movement patterns, and time series trends for Silverado Park and all of Long Beach’s 167 Parks, Trails & Open spaces facilities.

This can answer questions such as: How many people visited your parks today? Which neighborhoods have a strong affinity for parks? Are people from beyond your city or county visiting your parks? What were the historical visitation trends?

How does this technology make you feel?
Question 1 / 6

Who is accountable for this technology?


What is the purpose of this technology?


What type of technology is this?


What type of data is being collected?


How will this data be processed?

Available to the accountable organization

Who can access this data?

Retained 2 years

How is this data stored?