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Traffic Cameras

Identifiable Video
Long Beach Public Works Department
Picture of Traffic Cameras being deployed

Video Detection Systems, or more commonly known as Traffic Cameras, are used to monitor and detect vehicles within a specific intersection. They are often deployed instead of loop inductors to detect vehicles traveling through or waiting at a signalized intersection. The system allows users to define virtual zones, enabling precise identification of queues within specified approaches and lanes. This feature enhances the system’s ability to discern and analyze traffic effectively. The video data is not collected or recorded, the analysis is done entirely in the field (locally), in real time, and not saved for future retrieval.

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Question 1 / 6
Long Beach Public Works Department

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What is the purpose of this technology?

Identifiable Video

What type of technology is this?

Pixel-based Image

What type of data is being collected?

Computer vision

How will this data be processed?

Not available to vendor

Who can access this data?

No data retained

How is this data stored?